
Independent Memory (m)

In CalcES calculator, Independent Memory (m) allows you to store a number or result independently of the main calculation. This stored value can then be recalled or manipulated separately from ongoing calculations.

Related feature: Store/Recall variables (x, y, a, b, c, d, e, f)


  1. Clear the contents of m

    Keys: 0 SHIFT RCL(STO) m+

    `0` `SHIFT` `RCL(STO)` `M+`
  2. Add the result of 10 × 5 to m

    Keys: 10 × 5 m+

    `10` `×` `5` `m+`
  3. Subtract the result of 10 + 5 from m

    Keys: 1 0 + 5 SHIFT m+(m-)

    `1` `0` `+` `5` `SHIFT` `m+`(m-)
  4. Recall the contents of m

    Keys: RCL m+ =

    Keys: `RCL` `m+` `=`
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